The youngsters keep on winning
At the show in Vosswinkel Alfa Jordan Z (Air Jordan Z x Lancelot) got the fantastic score of 9,0 and won the L-class for 4 and 5 year olds. Dalli Dalli (Canturano I x C-Indoctro) was almost as good as his stable mate and won the second section of the class with a score of 8,7.
In the M-class for 5 year olds it was Dalli Dalli who got the highest score with 8,6 and Alfa Jordan was fifth after some time faults. Cistria (Canto x Corso) won two classes this weekend being clear and the fastest one in both the Youngster Tour classes for 6 year olds. Casablanca (Cassini I x Corofino I) did a great clear round and took the 14th place in the S-class on Friday.